API Technical Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Integration via Rest API
  2. Integration via Webhooks

Our platform offers two primary ways for integration with third-party systems: through Rest API or Webhooks. These integration methods can also be combined for an overall more productive integration in a shorter amount of time.

1. Integration via Rest API

The Rest API method allows you to manually request the updated information. Below is the major user flow for this integration process:

cob integration - full.png

Making Requests

You can obtain your integration API keys by contacting our support team.

2. Integration via Webhooks

Integrating via Webhooks is the easiest method to receive updates about the content changes. Here is the Webhooks integration schema:

integraton from another vendor.png

For more in-depth information or specific details in relation to this integration method, our support team is available for assistance.

For support contact: [email protected]

In summary, our two major integration methods, via Rest API or Webhooks, are designed to ensure efficient and easy third-party integrations that suit a variety of user requirements. By effectively implementing and combining these methods, you can achieve seamless integration in a relatively short amount of time.